My Etsy Shop

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Best Podcast on the Internet

I recently burned this design onto a plaque by hand as a gift for my very favorite podcast, "Tell 'Em Steve-Dave" (featuring several of the stars of Comic Book Men on AMC).  They have given me so much laughter and entertainment over the years, this seems like the very least I could do for them.

  On a recent episode (Episode #171 - "Love at the Y", around the 23 minute mark), host Walt Flanagan brought up an idea he had to sell branded chatski's, referencing how AMC's "Talking Bad" had pimped itself the week before.  I took one of his sage quotes to heart, and wanted to capture it.  It just so happens someone mentioned making a woodburning, and I was ready!


The other Chicken Soup style phrases Walt thought up relating to the show were also pure gold; and I am sure I will also be burning them someday soon.